Thursday, September 25, 2014

Act of Trust - Be Still and Know that He is Lord

Act of Trust - Be Still and Know that He is Lord !!

As 21 days of Fasting Prayer is going on in our Church, one thing that God has been teaching me through His Word and His Spirit, is that the very act of humbling yourself and Trusting your lord begins with a physical act of "doing nothing" with your own strength. 
Well that sounds easy - Doing Nothing - We always tend to "Do Nothing" but here the act of "Doing nothing" comes with a price which is sometimes very hard to pay for us Christians.

I was reading through a passage 2 Kings 18 and 19 in which King of Assyria through his servant Rabshakeh was trying to threaten King Hezekiah and his people with dire consequences if they do not submit or surrender to King Sennacherib of Assyria. The pride and the arrogance of King Assyria was quite evident in his words when he said "Has any of the Gods of the nations at all delivered its land from his hand" (Chapter 18:33, 35)

One thing that King of Assyria overlooked in his foolishness, was that of challenging the Living God. He was right in some way because as we read in chapter 19:18 that King Assyria was able to defeat nations which have Gods made with hands using wood and stone. But it seems that he bite off more than he can chew. 
As the story unfolds one particular verse that made me pause and think more in terms of our own life was Chapter 18:36 which said "But the people held their peace and answered him not a word..."
Now this something which becomes a tough challenge for us Christians, keeping quite and listening to all insult, wrong accusations and threats . Remember your Christ how he kept quiet and bore all insults during  His trials (Isaiah 53:7, 1Peter 2:23,...)

King Hezekiah showed practically what every christian must do when they face such situations. He preferred to Pray and give everything in the hands of God as we read in 2 Kings 19:14 "And Hezekiah received the letter from the hand of the messengers, and read it; and Hezekiah went up to the house of the Lord, and spread it before the Lord". Then began the process of praying to God with a broken and contrite heart. I was wondering what fasting is successful if we don't learn to surrender ourselves in the hands of God and holding our peace. 

The physical acts like Hezekiah did by spreading the letter before God may look bit superstitious but these are evoked or prompted by strong faith and intensity of prayer passion. How do you surrender before God? Do we spread our very own situations before God?

Psalm 46:10 Says "Be still, and know that I am God...". Let these Fasting and Praying be the times of staying still in the presence of God and let the spirit of God do the talking. 
God knows why your heart is crying, what Pain is too much for you to bear, your family struggles, your financial issues, your job challenges, concern about your children future, your fall from grace and even your hidden sins. Spread it before God and let God take control of your life and allow him to take you through His own channels of divine blessings and glorious victories in your life.

To Moses, God said in Exodus 14:14 "The LORD will fight for you while you keep silent." 
Is it too hard for us to hold our peace and let God do His work in His own ways.

As the story ended, the outcome of Hezekiah's petition to God was that the angel of Lord went out and killed one hundred and eighty five thousand of people in the camp of Assyrians (19:35) and Sennacherib King of Assyria was killed by his own sons (19:37). No trumpets blown, No weapons used and Not even a single soldier moved and God gave a victory to Hezekiah that he could have never imagined. 
Your battles can have the same outcome too. Is there anything too hard for our Lord (Genesis 18:14, Jeremiah 32:27)? 

Lets all Pray that our Faith may reach a level where we can learn to hold our Peace, Learn to spread our petitions sincerely before God, honestly confess our sins and witness God's miracles in our own life. 
May this fasting prayer Bring you more closer to your God and fill you with Joy and Peace in your life. 

I would like to conclude my thoughts with a promise that is only for you and you alone.
1 Corinthians 2:9 "However, as it is written: "What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived" - the things God has prepared for those who love him"

God Bless You !!

In Him,
Bro. Santosh Thankachan

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